The Lake Constance region with its many innovative companies must face global competition – also for the best minds. Rapid change requires a high level of adaptability with a corresponding need for lifelong learning. Seamless learning addresses fragmented learning experiences: What is learned in school is no longer used in studies; what is relevant in practice cannot be brought in from studies or further education. The goal of Seamless Learning is to overcome breaks – between individual educational levels, between the school and professional worlds, or from the analog to the digital. It also makes use of new technologies.
The basic project aims to establish and expand research and development on Seamless Learning in the Lake Constance region. It creates a network for this, lays the scientific-conceptual foundation and supports seven development projects in the didactic-conceptual and technical development – with the help of a “design-based research approach”. Requirements are jointly analyzed, and didactic prototypes are developed, tested and evaluated. An online showroom for software that supports seamless learning concepts is also planned. This should help in deciding which didactic principles and technologies can be sensibly used in teaching.

Project partners: ZHAW, Universität St.Gallen, HTWG Konstanz
Project period: January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2020