Don’t panic! How can large numbers of people – for example, at major events – be safely managed? An existing software package can already simulate this, and its mathematical models help educate students of event management as well as up-and-coming engineers or software developers in the basics. The key here is density distribution. Unfortunately, classroom math rarely has anything to do with real-life application. This research project sets out to develop a didactic prototype on the subject of crowd management, to test it in the classroom, and to make it available through appropriate networks in the Lake Constance region. At the same time, the generation gap between teachers and students in terms of technologies needs to be bridged. Independent learning and development – without use of the internet – is encouraged while, at the same time, e-learning technologies are utilized. In addition, the project reduces learning gaps between theory and practice as well as between individual levels of education. Here, mathematics – often viewed as a major learning hurdle – can be taught in an attractive and practical way using real-life examples.
Project partners: Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, DHBW Ravensburg, ASE (Analysis Simulation Engineering) GmbH, PerEx GmbH
Project period: February 2, 2018 – December 31, 2020
Project lead

Konstanz University of Applied Sciences
Project partner

ZHAW School of Engineering

DHBW Ravensburg